About Us

Who are we?

We're Dil and Van, a culturally diverse duo who balance thriving careers by day with a passion for 3D printing by night. What started as a hobby quickly grew into our mission: creating unique, meticulously crafted 3D designs.

Our Journey

Our fascination with 3D printing began when a friend's demonstration left us awestruck. That magic moment led us to explore the endless possibilities of turning sketches into tangible creations. What began as a hobby—making cool stuff for our home—caught the eye of friends, family, and even colleagues, pushing us to share our designs with the world.

Our Philosophy

In a world filled with mass-produced items, we focus on quality over quantity. Our neurodivergent and creative minds push us to design and innovate constantly, ensuring every piece we make is both functional and unique. We don’t just make products; we craft experiences, pouring our hearts into every print.

Why Choose Us?

  • Unique Designs: No cookie-cutter products here. Each piece is original and thoughtfully crafted.
  • Quality First: We value the time and detail it takes to create something special, so we keep our production pace slow and steady.
  • Passion Driven: This isn’t just a business; it’s our joy. We create because we love it and want to share that with you.

Looking Forward

Juggling full-time jobs and our creative venture can be hectic, but it's a rewarding escape. As we grow, we're excited to keep learning, designing, and sharing our unique 3D printed creations with you.

Join Us on This Adventure!

We hope our designs bring as much joy to your life as they do to us in making them. Thanks for being a part of our journey.

Dil & Van